Finally, Success with

SUCCESS with the Marketplace! I learned firsthand that many of the horror stories are true, but I have now been able to get subsidies for clients and enroll them for January 1st! I’ve been doing this for a lot of years and can’t imagine how people with no insurance...

BMC Can Sell On The Exchange On Behalf Of Our Clients!

The Federally-Mandated Marketplace for individual coverage and Small Business Health Option Program (SHOP) for group coverage officially opened on October 1st for January enrollments. The earliest effective date of any coverage under the Marketplace is January 1, 2014...

Creditable Rx Coverage Notice to Medicare-Eligible

As a reminder, it is that time of year for you to distribute information to anyone on your group who is eligible for Medicare that your prescription plan is “creditable.” Attached is the model notice. The only information that you must fill in: the space for (entity)...